Tag: #perfectionism

  • NOT the Same Place

    “Don’t fear failure.  Fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today,” Michael Hyatt. Even the smallest steps can move us forward, and the exponential impact of a year of small steps can transform our lives.

  • Daily Spark: None of These Days

    I have really learned in my recovery journey that one of these days is NONE of these days. When I continue to overcome procrastination, fear, and perfectionism, by taking the smallest of steps, my dreams become that little bit closer, and I do in fact shine!

  • Daily Spark: “Done is the New Perfect”

    My coach Sam Crowley is fond of saying “done is the new perfect”. As a recovering perfectionist, who wants to polish, refine, procrastinate, for fear of it not being perfect, this message is a powerful push to DO, to finish, to move forward!

  • Daily Spark: Go Gently

    As a recovering perfectionist, I am often my own harshest critic. A meditation teacher I follow, Monique Rhodes, ends a series I am listening to with the phrase, “Go Gently in the World”.

  • Bites from the Sandwich

    Procrastination can sometimes be a symptom of being overwhelmed, of trying to eat the entire sandwich at once.  But if we can take it one bite at a time, addressing our fears, we can overcome procrastination and make great strides towards our dreams!

  • Daily Spark: Little Failures

    Sometimes perfectionism can have us using little failures as an excuse to stop moving forward in a goal. We all make mistakes, and need to get more comfortable with them.

  • Climbing on the Roof with Ropes

    Sometimes perfectionism has us living within the bounds, afraid to make a mess, afraid to expand and be more.  We can also nurture an annoyance and keep it active in our life. Allowing and embracing is the antidote to perfectionism, and allows room for “perfect imperfection”.

  • Daily Spark: Perfectionism and Fear

    Perfectionism is about fear, about being afraid of making mistakes, about trying to be enough, instead of realizing that we are already enough!

  • The Egomaniac with the Inferiority Complex

    The duality of feeling inferior, while also feeling superior, can be a symptom of perfectionism and addiction.  When I am externally motivated, and too worried about other’s opinions, it is harder for me to create, allow, and shine.

  • Worth Doing Poorly

    As a recovering perfectionist, I find the old quote from GK Chesterton, “Anything worth doing, is worth doing badly,” to be challenging, but oh so true. How good are you at taking a chance and doing something “badly”?