Tag: #serve

  • Daily Spark: Invest in Others

     I do believe that my most challenging experiences can be used to help others, as can my happiest, most hopeful moments, if I am willing to serve.  Michael W. Smith said, “Transformation in the world happens when people are healed and start investing in other people.”

  • Daily Spark: Your Vocation

    What lights you up?  What makes your heart sing?  What brings you joy in the doing of it? The intersection of my joy with the world’s need is a good place to figure out how I want to show up, to serve, to have a vocation.

  • Daily Spark: What Weighs you Down?

    To serve, we have to first have self love and acceptance. But we can’t soar unless we led go of what weighs us down.

  • Daily Spark: Sunny Smile

    F. Scott Fitzgerald said a “sunny smile cost little in the giving . . . “. What small acts of kindness can you do today, such as a smile, that allows you to serve others?

  • Daily Spark: “S” equals “Serve”

    SHINE is a 5-step acronym for a manifestation process, and the “S” stands for “Serve”. How are you using your gifts and talents to serve others?

  • Daily Spark: Service

    To shine requires that we be willing to be of service . . . as Frederick Buechner said, “The life I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place my touch will be felt.”

  • Channel of Blessing

    Being authentic and aligning with our purpose can allow us to be a ‘channel of blessing’ for others.  And this opens the door for us to serve is ways that fill our cups and the cups of others.