Tag: #struggle

  • Carried in My Heart

    “You will see in the world what is carried in your heart,” Rumi

  • Daily Spark: Covered with Grace

     It can be so downright hard, so painful, to look some of our struggles in the eye and keep on moving through them.! But I know that I am given strength enough for today, and that I am covered with grace.

  • Soft in the Middle Now

    While the struggle can feel so hard in the moment, you can do hard things. As Rumi says, “the wound is the place where the light enters you”.

  • Daily Spark: Struggle to Ease

    It is so easy for me to focus on the struggle, and what I DON’T want in my life. It’s much harder to feel those negative feelings, process them, and begin looking for a BETTER thought. To begin looking for EASE.